AEC Printing
Architectural, Engineering and Construction Printing for the Building Industry

For over 30 years, we have served the building industry by printing and
managing construction documents for Architects, Engineers and Contractors
Here are some of the products and services we offer in this area:

Large Format Documents
Whether you need color or black and white construction documents, we have over 30 years of experience printing documents for plan review, City Submittals or your construction crews.
We can print from your digital files—simply email or upload the files along with your instructions and we will deliver them to you quickly.
We can also copy from your existing documents—we will pick up your originals or you can stop by one of our shops to get them copied right away.
Small Format Documents
Don’t fight with your in-house copy machines….we can print your employee handbooks and safety manuals as well as project specification manuals.
We have commercial grade printers and years of experience…there’s no need for you to waste your time printing them yourself.
Simply email or upload your project with instructions, and we will take care of it!

We have many options for binding your documents.
For large format construction documents, we edge bind and staple your sets free
of charge! If you have larger sets (over 150 pages) we will screw-post the sets for
a nominal charge.
For small format documents, we can comb bind, coil bind, screw post or place in
view binders…whatever you prefer. We can also provide clear covers and vinyl
backs to make your documents look professional.
Job Site Signs and Banners
Every job site we’ve ever seen needs some type of signage. From wayfinding signs to safety signs, we can accommodate you.
Want banners for you construction trailer or fence? We can take care of that.

ADA Signage
We offer a variety of ADA signage to accommodate your project and help it pass
Simply let us know what you need and we will create the signs according to the latest local regulations.
Scanning & Archiving
Do you have old plans taking up space in a storage room or closet?
Free up that space and let us scan and archive those plans digitally. We have
scanned and archived hundreds of thousands of documents over the years and can handle any size project.

Scan to CAD
Also known as “vectorizing” we can take your old documents and convert them to CAD….just let us know what version of AutoCad you need and we will take care of it!
Do you need extra protection for your documents?
We can laminate your maps and documents to give them extra protection from the elements and wear and tear.

Online Plan Room
Are you a Public Works Agency? Are you a Construction Management Company?
We offer a plan room that can be either public or private.
A Public Plan Room will allow any contractor to find your bid project and
view/download/submit their bids to you. We have a database of thousands of sub-contractors that we advertise your bid project to—giving you a greater pool
of contractors to pick from.
A Private Plan Room will allow you to give access to only the certain few consultants or contractors on any given project. You can also use it as a place to view your archived projects.
Public Works Bid Projects
Are you a contractor looking to bid on various public works projects?
We host bid projects for over 50 Public Works agencies throughout the region. You can check our website regularly or sign up to get our weekly email notification of current bid projects.

Looking For Jobs To Bid?